
The national and county Football Associations designated Coplestonians as a Wildcats centre for girls wishing to start playing football. The centre is open for beginners from the ages of 5 to 11 years on a Saturday morning between 9 and 10am. Wildcats focusses on developing skills, touch and awareness via fun games and the players develop at their own pace, whilst being stretched to improve. Match play is introduced as they progress. For the older players, when they are ready, they can be introduced to regular competitive football in our under 10 and 11 squads.

Squad Girls is an extension of Wildcats targeted at the the 12 to 15 years age range, for girls that have come to football later and wish to join a team. The concept of Wildcats is developed for the older age group and meets every other Wednesday from 7 to 8pm. There are qualified coaches, both male and female, reflecting the coaching mix of the WSL. If your daughter would like to get involved, please complete and submit the form on the 'Contact Us' page.