Walking Football

In pursuit of the club’s ambition to provide access to football for all, Coplestonians started a walking football section in 2016.

The initial vision was to provide football for the over 50’s, but along with the extraordinary growth in interest nationally, Coplestonians now has a thriving open to all group welcoming all genders with an age range from teenagers to the over 70’s

Our walking footballers meet regularly for a 1 hour session on Copleston Schools 3g pitch every Monday evening. Our group have enthusiastically taken part in a number of tournaments and welcome friendlies with other local clubs.

Coplestonians are actively supporting the development of a Suffolk Walking Football League and as the league grows our ambition is to enter teams covering various age ranges.

Walking football is a great way in a safe environment to continue playing football, with the benefit of maintaining and developing fitness, aiding recovery from injury, improving mental health and to be involved in an open and friendly social group.